November 2019
November 2019
On completion of operations in Abidjan at the of Oct 2019 it was with great sadness that SVS said goodbye to their oldest trooper and most reliable servant, SVS Grenville.
Grenville had been with SVS for 10 years and during that time had proved to be an absolute stalwart of the company operating in many different roles in many different environments for many different clients.
The Nat Geo team led by veteran TV presenter and explorer, Paul Rose, headed out from Cape town in January 2017 for the 45 day expedition to TDC which is the most remote inhabited island in the world.
The expedition was a great success and needless to say Grenville deservedly had her 15 mins of fame on the world TV stage.
Sadly Grenville's age meant that the ship was becoming far more difficult to employ especially with the IOC's so it was time to let the grand old lady move on.
All at SVS, although sad to see her go, wish Grenville and her new owners calm seas and fair winds.
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