September 2018
September 2018
As offshore exploration expands within our traditional regions of operation, SVS (Ltd) is increasing its capabilities by investing in the recruitment and training of seafarers. Local Content Planning (LCP) has always been at the forefront of SVS (Ltd) employment policy, due in part to our role within the maritime logistics sector, but also due to the belief by senior leadership that our business must benefit the communities where we conduct business. The benefits of employing men and women in these countries and communities, continue to be evident across operational, environmental aspects of the business.
Most recently, SVS (Ltd) welcomes Togolese high potential recruits to the fleet; in October, we embark trainee crew from Lome to join both the deck and E/R teams. Having successfully completed the statutory STCW training courses at the Regional Maritime University in Accra under the sponsorship of SVS (Ltd), and further shipboard acquaint alongside during planned scheduled maintenance, our crew will go onto complete their initial contract and training as part of our SSSP (Short Shipboard Service Programme); this is a mentoring programme which enable personnel to learn with confidence, become valued members of the crew, whilst at the same time providing much needed support to families at home.
SVS (Ltd) has always exceeded our charterers local content expectations, whilst maintaining the integrity of minimum safe manning requirements and specific industry experience requirements, and prides itself on providing bespoke solutions to LCP, regardless of the area of operations. SVS (Ltd) works with its regional partners to ensure our MLC audited crew provision capability continues to meet the need of our clients and the industry.
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